Time is an illusion
xThe online stopwatch counts the time to the millisecond that passes after you click the 'Start' button. It allows you to add laps. If you close the stopwatch, the value and laps will be automatically saved. If the period is sufficiently large, the number of days passed will be displayed, too. The most Popular FREE 'Stopwatch and Timer' app on Android. Beautifully clean, simple and reliable. The chosen stopwatch and timer for millions of people since 2009. Very simple and easy to use - this is a practical stopwatch and timer to get the job done. Perfect for every timing situation including cooking, sports, games and work tasks. Easy to read large digits and a full screen mode.
At one point or another, everyone needs to measure time.
This page proposes an online solution for this task that uses an intuitive interface, minimalistic design, and fast speed.
If you need an advanced functionality, please let us know using the “Feedback” button on the right.
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Start – begin timer ticking
Stop – suspend clock ticking
Reset – set timer to start value
Timer start value – put here value that you need for start
Alarm – buzz on/off
Tags: 10 seconds timer, alarm clock, stopwatch online, timer clock, count down timer, sports timer, kitchen timer
00:00:00.0tick, teak, tic, ticktock, tick-tack, tic-tac
xSometimes everybody need to count time for some reason.
This page just propose online solution for this task with comfortable interface, minimalistic design and without lags.
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If you can – please help us make this website better – use “Feedback” button at the right.
Online Stopwatch 5c Online
Start – begin timer ticking
Stop – suspend clock ticking
Reset – drop stopwatch clock value to zero
Timer Online Stopwatch Free Countdown
Tags: stopwatch online, timer clock, count up timer, classroom timers, yoga timer, egg timer