submitted by ∗cassdawg(1560), 2020-04-22T21:32:06Z
NBME Answers and Explanations! He has an upper motor neuron lesion which is causing paralysis on his left lower side, so he will have hyperreflexia on this side. Thus the deep tendon reflex will actually be increased/strongest in his left achilles tendon initially after the accident. NBME Answers & Explanations. — to infinity.
hTsi man sah DIAHS srme(oydn of ieiaopntrppra cdriiatieunt rneomh)o ihcwh si eiklly dscuea yb a nptscrpoialaae rnmeyods istcasoaed itwh malls llce gnlu naercc (0F20A2 282)p
Nbme 17 Explanations Reddit
sThi man snetpers htwi aeitro,haynm crop,oyehimalh rnaoml itomusps,a roalmn UBN dna ecnrn,ieiat seacddree saplam laolmyt,ios dan neaicedsr renui DISAH si czedreahratic by urien ltu&yimtgrosloms;ea iyolasomtl adn rmayeahntopi p33)8(. hsTi si euseacb HDA eirgtrgs retotnine of reatw yb eiinsotrn fo piranaswou niot eht lcgteonlic tbuu.les Teh cesinarde oydb tawer srrgeitg edcedsera cnsirteeo fo nneir dan ersaedecd atanticiov fo hte ossrnoin-gdtaerale-einntnneio .semsyt sseL ldeatsnoeor sdale ot lses etrentoin fo msiuod nad slse enrietcox fo u.opasitsm hsTi ondmbice tiwh todniliu ofmr eninterot of trwea esald to armyantehipo twih tomspiaus m.orlna B/UeNtniancrie rea cfnaudteef baseceu eht enyksdi era .gmaandude
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