D%26d Campaign Planner Pdf

  1. D&d Campaign Planner Pdf Online
  2. D 26d Campaign Planner Pdf Template
  3. D&d Campaign Planner Pdf Free

While not strictly a campaign template, the GMBinder does provide formatting tools for creating a wide variety of homebrew documents. If you have access to any official campaigns, you can then use them as a template, depending on the style of campaign you and your players are after. For linear stories, Curse of Strahd is one of the best. Campaign Planner RPGs: d20 System / OGL Product (D&D 3.0 Compatible) d20 System. D20 System / OGL Product (D&D 3.5 Compatible) d20 System. RPG Systems: d20 System. Alternate Names: Fans: 0. Corrections Clone Customize View. ObjectID: 17524.


The D&D adventures on this page are free for you to use in your games. Enjoy!

Avalanches & Ambushes – Free D&D 5e Adventure – Level 5

Adventure Summary: In this level 5 fifth edition D&D adventure, the ice troll Frostbeard has discovered the Veil of Winter, an ancient artifact dedicated to the deity of frost, and is using it to expand the Azure Spine glacier. This is causing frigid air to roll down from the Morrow Peak mountains onto surrounding villages and towns. Inhabitants in the area believe another ice age is upon them and are seeking someone to stop it. The adventure is detailed below, but to download the printable PDF including the map, sign up for my newsletter. My weekly newsletter contains free adventures, ...
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Gnollasic Park – Free D&D 5e Adventure – Level 4

Adventure Summary: In this level 4 D&D adventure, a clan of savage gnolls, The Black Paws, have captured several dinosaurs belonging to the nearby halfling village of Saurus Springs. The halfling have launched rescue attempts to no avail, and they now turn to a band of adventurers to travel to The Obsidian Pit--the strip mine where the gnolls lair--to retrieve their beloved dinosaurs. The adventure is detailed below, but to download the printable PDF including the map, sign up for my newsletter. My weekly newsletter contains free adventures, magic items, villains, DM tips, and other cool stuff delivered right to ...
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The Red Rum Runners – Free D&D 5e Adventure – Level 2

D%26d Campaign Planner Pdf
Adventure Summary: In this level 2 D&D adventure, the gnomish town of Dingleburg is beset with a pair of problems: a flock of rampaging cockatrice that recently stoned several gnomes and tore one to pieces, and an illicit drug problem that's only getting worse. In Dunglewood Forest nearby, a murder of harpies lead by Gwendoline, the harpy matriarch, is responsible for both issues. Not only are they breeding cockatrices whose blood they use to concoct Red Rum, an addictive substance they are peddling to the gnomes, but also several of their cockatrices recently escaped. It is up to the party ...
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Truffle Kerfuffle – Free D&D 5e Adventure – Level 1

Adventure Summary: In this level 1 D&D adventure, myconids and vegepygmies have uncovered an ancient relic of Zuggtmoy that has begun corrupting both them and the forest around. When the gnome village of Dahish is affected, the mushroom exports to the surrounding region comes to a grinding halt. This, of course, prompts a local lord, Dansworth Ratheem, with a love for truffles to commission a band of adventurers to find the source of the problem and put a stop to it. The adventure is detailed below, but to download a printable PDF, sign up for my newsletter. My weekly newsletter ...
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Turbulent Tides – Free D&D 5e Adventure – Level 5

On last night's live stream on my YouTube channel, we created a level 5 D&D adventure together: Turbulent Tides. A large pearl was recently found by underwater pearl divers from the town of Storm Cove, and now the tides around the small island community are rising to dangerous levels. The characters are tasked with discovering the source of the turbulent tides and put an end to it. The adventure is detailed below, but to download a printable PDF that includes the map, sign up for my newsletter. My weekly newsletter contains free adventures, magic items, villains, DM tips, and other ...
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A Bard’s Tail: Nine Lives – Free D&D 5e Adventure – Level 3

On last night's live stream, we had Davvy Chappy (from the YouTube channel Davvy Chappy) on for some dungeon master Q&A, and then afterwards, we created a D&D one-shot adventure inspired by our conversations. By the way, if you want to watch the lively Q&A we had, you can do so here: Dungeon Master Q&A with Davvy Chappy. The adventure is provided below, and you can get a PDF copy by signing up for my newsletter using the form below. My weekly newsletter contains free Dungeon Master resources and tips delivered right to your inbox. By the way, my live ...
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Fishy Business – Free D&D 5e Adventure – Levels 1-4

Overview: In a mountain lake, a group of kuo-toa sacrifice merfolk and fish to appease their foul aboleth deity, and a local group of aarakocra ask the heroes to put a stop to this before their food supply is depleted. Creatures Encountered: kuo-toa and a variety of other amphibious creatures System: D&D 5e Levels: This adventure is designed for a party of 4 adventurers between levels 1 and 4. To download the PDF, sign up to my newsletter using the form below. Like this:Like Loading... Related posts: Serpent Sanctum – Free D&D 5e Adventure for PCs Levels 6-9 Snagjaw Castle – Free ...
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Darkness Upon the Forest – Free D&D 5e Adventure for Level 1 & 2 PCs

Overview: The adventurers find themselves in a strange forest being corrupted an evil elven druid and her army of plant blights. Tasked with solving the problem, the party must fight their way through plant blights to confront the druid. Creatures Encountered: plant blights, wolves, satyrs, giant spider, druid System: D&D 5e Levels: This adventure is designed for a 1st-level party of 4 characters who reach level 3 by the end of the adventure. To download the PDF, sign up to my newsletter using the form below. Like this:Like Loading... Related posts: The Beholden Temple – Free D&D 5e Adventure for Level 3 ...
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The Beholden Temple – Free D&D 5e Adventure for Level 3 PCs

Overview: The party is tasked with investigating the source of undead plaguing the area, a former temple to Torm. However, they will discover that much more is going on than a simple undead infestation. Creatures Encountered: various undead, cultist, vampiric mist, mindwitness, oblex, and necromancer System: D&D 5e Levels: This adventure is designed for a 3rd-level party of 4 characters. To download the PDF, sign up to my newsletter using the form below. Like this:Like Loading... Related posts: Darkness Upon the Forest – Free D&D 5e Adventure for Level 1 & 2 PCs Into the Darkness – Free D&D 5e Adventure for ...
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Trouble in Round Hill – Free D&D 5e Adventure for Level 4 PCs

Overview: The small gnome village of Round Hill has been corrupted by a ogre shaman and mysterious black flecks. The gnomes in the village, usually good-natured, have become evil under the influence of the black flecks. The PCs are tasked with saving the village from the corruption, preferably without the loss of gnome lives. Creatures Encountered: potion-hurling gnomes, ogres, werebats, various clockworks such as stone defenders System: D&D 5e Levels: This adventure is designed for a party of 5 fourth-level characters. To download the PDF, sign up to my newsletter using the form below. Like this:Like Loading... Related posts: Darkness Upon the Forest ...
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Being a DM isn't easy. We know that DMs spend hours upon hours tweaking their stories for the right effect, but organizing all these thoughts and ideas becomes quite difficult after a while. At Adventurer’s Codex, we don’t want to simply provide you with a digital notepad. We want to enhance your stories and make them easier to tell to your players.
We believe that there's a new way to play and experience D&D that has never been possible before. Players play to be a part of a story, an adventure all their own. DMs create and tell the story of the grand world in which the players can adventure. Adventurer's Codex allows everyone at the table to unlock their full potential and experience the next step in tabletop RPGs. Adventurer’s Codex provides a comprehensive, and evolving, toolset for DMs:


The Overview is a convenient way to track the many details of your campaign’s new and exciting world. There’s a lot of important details about your story/world that you’ll need to write down, and this is the place. Here is where you’ll also see how long your campaign has been running as a nice reminder of all the good times you’ve had.

Encounter Builder

Encounters allow DMs to plan out, well, encounters that their players will come across or stumble into during the campaign. These encounters have several parts depending on what you as a DM want to throw at the players.


  • Weather and Terrain: Is it cold enough to be hurtful, a cool summer day, or a dry and arid heat?
  • Link to an image to help you and your players visualize the terrain, and keep notes on the effects of the weather or terrain.
  • Clicking on the image will display it in full screen.

    Maps and Images

  • Perfect to track an image of a room in an ominous dungeon or a shop in a quaint village.
  • Clicking on the image will display it in full screen.

    Points of Interest

  • Keep track of all the small places in your world that are worth noting: Mystic runes, a strange altar, or even a common road sign.

  • Non-Player Characters

  • Jot down details of the various NPCs in an encounter. That Half-Elf shopkeeper has a secret to hide, and you don’t want to forget it.

  • Monsters

  • Feel like putting your players through the wringer? Add some monsters, and track their abilities.
  • All monsters available in the SRD are available to be auto-completed here!

  • Read-Aloud Text (Boxed text)

  • Often times you’ll have an important monologue, or bit of narrative to set the tone of your campaign.
  • D&d campaign planner pdf 2017


  • Everyone loves loot! This section allows you to track all types of treasures, and SRD items will even auto-complete for you!

  • D&d Campaign Planner Pdf Online


  • For everything else, there’s always Markdown powered Notes!
  • We have many more Encounter Sections planned to help you increase your player’s immersion in your campaign. Contact us on how we can help improve Encounters and how we can help you tell a better story.

    DM Screen

    Ever needed to know how much distance a group will cover while moving fast? Turns out, it's 400 feet per minute. The DM Screen contains tons of helpful information for you to reference.
    Did we miss something? Let us know!


    Now, just like players, DMs can now add notes. This tab is best used to keep track of campaign notes. You can add as many pages of notes as you'd like, and all notes have Markdown support.


    Adventurer's Codex provides a lot of slick features, like all the ones mentioned above, but there are so many more not-so-obvious features.

    D 26d Campaign Planner Pdf Template

    Push images and text to Party

    D&d Campaign Planner Pdf Free

    It is now possible to share maps, images, read aloud text, and environments with the party. Visit Party Tools for more info.


    Move between tabs as quick as the wind itself using our Hotkeys. Press the number keys from 1-6 to change sections.

    1. Overview
    2. Encounters
    3. Screen
    4. Notes
    5. Party
    6. Chat
    Full Screen Images

    Almost anything with an image will have the option to be displayed in a full screen window. This will increase the size of the image to fit your screen. If the image is small, it won't be stretched out and will appear small. To prevent this, make sure to find images with larger resolutions.